C-1-4-1-1 外籍教授駐校英文課程-《從英國觀點看醫學之科學、歷史與藝術》
- 詳細內容
- 分類: C-1-4-1外籍教授駐校英文課程
- 發佈: 2015-11-06, 週五 09:39
- 作者 MMC
- 點擊數: 928
編碼 |
C-1-4-1-1 |
類別 |
□生命 □生態 ■生涯 □生活 |
參與時數 (單場) |
38 |
活動名稱 |
外籍教授駐校英文課程-《從英國觀點看醫學之科學、歷史與藝術》 |
預計舉辦時間 |
105年11月每週二、四晚間18:00~21:00。 |
基本素養 (可複選) |
□敬天愛人___% ■社會與環境責任20% ■人文關懷60% ■團隊精神20% |
核心能力 (可複選) |
□專業與創新___% ■主動學習10% ■溝通與合作15% □自省與批判___% ■國際觀與競爭力75% |
To give the students experience of speaking English with a native English speaker. To introduce the tertiary education system in the UK, compared with that in Taiwan, using a history of Glasgow University to follow the changes in UK university education over 550 years. To discuss briefly the history of Western medicine. To introduce the students to medical ethics and to e them an opportunity to work through two medical dilemmas. To consider selected diseases which have had an impact on the history of the World. To discuss how famine and calamity have shaped population movements. To review how art and medicine have interacted over time, from assisting anatomists to warning the populace against harmful activities. To consider some special Scottish contributions to medical advances over time, with some reference to understanding major tropical parasitic diseases. To review a number of important figures in British history, including Charles Darwin. The students will prepare a presentation in groups. |
認證指標 |
本活動屬非認證類。 |
認證 |
□馬偕共學園__點 □職員工終身學習__小時 □______學系認證__點 □教師研習時數__小時 |
主辦單位 |
教務處 |
承辦人員:鄧心怡 單位主管:卓文隆 |
協辦單位 |
醫學系 |